
The State Duma suggested using the experience of the Bryansk region throughout Russia

On September 19, the State Duma held public hearings on the on measures to support agriculture in the draft budget for 2018 and for planning period 2019—2020».

The  representatives of the municipalities included in the  Unified All-Russian Association (Congress) of municipalities under the leadership of Viktor Kidyaev, First Deputy Head of the United Russia faction took part in the hearings; Member of the State Duma Committee on Agrarian Issues. The hearings were attended by deputies of the State Duma, regional legislative assemblies, representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation and regional ministries, representatives of the agro-industrial complex, heads of agricultural districts, heads of agricultural enterprises and farmers, representatives of scientific and educational institutions, industry unions and agricultural associations.

The Bryansk region was represented by the deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation Valentina Mironova and Valentin Subbot, the rector of the Bryansk State Agrarian University Nikolai Belous, the general director LLC "Agricultural holding "Dobronravov AGRO" Dmitry Dobronravov, Head of K(F )X "Plato" Alexander Lobyntsev, Head ООО «Selkhoznik» Vasily Klyuenkov, Chairman of SEC «Nadezhda» Roman Mimonov.

Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Sergei Neverov, who is in charge of agricultural issues, speaking to the participants, noted the importance of the event in the light of the forthcoming discussion of the budget in the State Duma and  ;2017 seasonal field work. Among the most significant issues that need to be addressed, he noted the need to maintain the level of state financing of the agro-industrial complex at a level no lower than 2017, the need for interventions in the grain market, and the transparency of the mechanism for distributing subsidies for agricultural development to the regions.

The problems of obtaining soft loans, the inability to obtain borrowed funds secured by agricultural land, the problems of agro-leasing, as well as the insufficient funding of higher educational institutions of the agro-industrial complex and the need to develop social infrastructure in the countryside, also, according to Sergei Neverov, under control factions: “The distribution of state support funds to agricultural producers should be transparent, realistically accessible and timely. It can't be that you submitted an application, you were refused, then some period passes, returned to the consideration of this application. And „United Russia“ will keep it under control. We believe that money is needed today, and not when you already live by different rules, and money only comes later».

“In addition, in order to  in order to increase the rate of technical re-equipment of the industry, it is necessary to expand the possibilities of agroleasing and  consider the possibility of giving agricultural producers the right to purchase this equipment themselves, and not just to finance machine building, which is supposed to supply this equipment. The choice should be much wider and faster — said Sergey Neverov. — The the same applies to the issue of lending, i.e the issuance of loans secured by agricultural land. The government is working on this law. In  the near future, I hope the Government will finalize the law, we are ready to discuss it».

The deputy called the training of personnel in the industry and the financial support of agricultural universities, as well as the social security of the village infrastructure and the completion of 27 rural schools as an extremely important and painful issue. According to him, "it is necessary not only to strengthen the financial support of agricultural universities, to bring them on the same level with" the universities of the Ministry of Education, but also to provide support for scientific and  breeding centers, conduct research, introduce new varieties and hybrids, breeding breeds in order to depend as little as possible on imports».

One of successful Bryansk agrarians, head Agricultural Holding Dobronravov AGRO LLC Dmitry Dobronravov:

I have 20 thousand hectares of land today, we mainly grow wheat, corn, soybeans, rapeseed and, of course, the brand of the Bryansk region — potato. I started my way to agriculture in 2009 from a completely different business. Seeing support in the form of subsidies, the attention of the state, we ended up in an oasis, not every peasant understands that he is in paradise. For & nbsp; a short period of time with & nbsp; we support the state & nbsp; from & nbsp; farms that started with & nbsp; 60 potato hectares turned into & nbsp; a complex that controls the & nbsp; seeds to & nbsp; supermarket shelves. What do we need from the state? And so much has been done, but for everything to be good, you need one — concessional lending. Low credit rate — nothing else is needed for a peasant, because this is a very profitable business.

  Dmitry Dobronravov noted the dynamic development of the agro-industrial complex of the Bryansk region over the last three years:

We have the right governor, who speaks the same language with us, without translators, who perfectly understands that agriculture today — the only industry you can start with. What can I say, if the export of grain in terms of foreign exchange earnings has already exceeded the export of arms, and this industry pulls others along. I traveled around the whole world to get some information from a foreigner, to learn his "chips", and it is quite difficult to do. We invite the best brains from the whole world to our region — this is a good practice, it can apply in other regions, — And while while talking with them, we understand what needs to be done in order to be successful. Everyone probably thinks that the Bryansk Region — depressed region? And I will tell you that this year we we have fields where the yield — 125 centners per hectare! Wheat! And I'm talking about "High pro" wheat, which doesn't need to be sold, it sells itself at a price of 10 rubles. It is not necessary to grow fodder special mind, for this there is corn, here it is — 5 rubles. I don't talk about potatoes anymore. We for a long time don arguing at the cost of a kilogram. Five rubles per kilogram of potatoes — is it a lot or a little? Everyone will say that it is very little, but I as a specialist I will say that multiply 50 tons per hectare of yield by 5 rubles, 250 thousand rubles — revenue per hectare. With a cost of 120 & ndash; 150 thousand per hectare, in principle, 100 thousand you & nbsp; earn, 70% profitability, where have you seen such profitability? In what other industry? There is no such thing in in industry. With & nbsp; I am near me a good farmer, one climate, one soil, one culture, but & nbsp; on & nbsp; one field is & laquo; the wall & raquo; where they collect 9 & ndash; 10 tons of C & NBSP; hectare, and & nbsp; a friend of the wheat; It saved what- then two thousand rubles for herbicides, and lost 25 thousand. Who's stopping him from making money? From Tsar to President — everyone interferes, but his problem is in the mirror, where he will see a person who prevents him from earning, paying good salaries, and working on efficient equipment.

General Director of LLC "Agro-industrial holding" Dobronravov AGRO " also touched upon the topic of personnel training for the agricultural industry:
— We have an agricultural university. I have not heard, for whom we are preparing a student? Who is the customer? Previously, we did experiments at home, but today we made a wise decision: we grew a product, presented it at the Field Day and transferred it to the university. The point is not only that I got rid of this work, because I have to deal with industrial plantations, and not demonstration ones, the point is that the professor began to understand, he became in the subject, in a trend, breeders turn to him, to us for a day the fields are knocking, they want to place their experiments with us, they understand that this is the only entrance ticket and inexpensive to our region. We — customers. You can tell a student about agriculture as much as you like, but you need to bring him to me, when a smart guy comes out, his salary starts from a hundred, he works on equipment worth 30 million, and then there is no need to explain to the student that agriculture — it's prestigious. 50 thousand — this is not the best salary in agriculture. We will continue in the same spirit, and I would like the German burgher, when he drinks his beer in Bavaria at Oktoberfest, to seize him with a Miratorg steak; and golden potatoes from our fields!

Sergey Neverov confirmed that he saw with his own eyes the amazing successes of agriculture in the Bryansk region on the Day of the Bryansk field. According to him, the agro-industrial complex of the region is developing at a rapid pace, and this is undoubtedly the merit of the Governor and such leaders as Dmitry Dobronravov. The Deputy Chairman of the State Duma also congratulated all the inhabitants of the region on the 74th anniversary of the liberation from the Nazi invaders.

The participants of the hearings discussed the level of state financing of the agro-industrial complex and agricultural universities, the problems of agro-leasing, the need to develop social infrastructure in the countryside and other topics. Dzhambulat Khatuov, First Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, answered numerous questions from the hearing participants.

Under the auspices of the United Russia party it was proposed to hold an all-Russian event in the Bryansk region as part of the Field Day, at which leading representatives of the agro-industrial complex of the country and abroad will have the opportunity to exchange experiences and find partners, to study the achievements of our region in the agricultural sector.

Under the auspices of the United Russia party it was proposed to hold a nationwide event in the Bryansk region as part of the Field Day, at which the leading representatives of the agro-industrial complex of the country and abroad will have the opportunity to exchange experience and find partners, study the achievements of our region in the agricultural sector.

Press Service of the Governor and the Regional Government

Based on http://www.bryanskobl.ru


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